JuanRamon: dialogostodos ...

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1:What's your name? | 2:How are you? | 3:Can you help me? | 4:Left, right, straigh ahead | 5:Where are they? | 6:What's the time? | 7:What's this? What's that? | 8:I like it very much | 9:Have you got any wine? | 10:What are you doing? | 11:Can I have your name, please? | 12:What does she look like? | 13:No smoking | 14:It is on the first floor | 15:Where’s he gone? | 16:Going away | 17:Buying thing? | 18:Why do you like it?? | 19:What Do You Need?? | 20:I sometimes work late? | 21: Welcome to Britain? |22: Who is that?? |23: What Would you like to do?? |24: How can we get there?? |25: Where is it?? |26: What’s the date?? |27: Whose is it?? |28: I enjoy it? |29: How many and how much?? |30: What have you done?? |curso de inglés

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15? | 16? | 17? | 18? | 19? | 20? | todas las explicaciones

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