JuanRamon: unit16 ...

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Esto es una version antigua de unit16 de 2007-10-29 19:48:58..

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Going away
Travel agency
Book your XYZ holiday here.
Yes. Every day people come in here...
Excuse me.
... and ask questions
May I have one of these?
Are you going away on holiday?
Yes, I'm going away.
Then book an XYZ holiday.
Look! A holiday in Spain... in Majorca!
There are flights on weekdays at twelve o'clock.
The train leaves Victoria Station at ten.
It arrives at Gatwick Airport at ten forty.
The flights leaves at twelve and it gets to Majorca at
fourteen thirty... half past two in the afternoon.
Can I go today?
Sorry, sir.
Not today. Not on Saturday.
Tomorrow, then?
No, sir.
Tomorrow is Sunday.
We haven't got any flights on Saturday or Sunday.
Is next week all right?
Monday next week?
Yes. That's all right.
But first I'm going to the bank.
The banks aren't open on Saturday.
Can you help me?
I don't understand this.
What does this mean?
There are flights on weekdays.
But there aren't any flights at the weekend.
Today is Saturday.
There aren't any flights today.
Tomorrow is Sunday.
There aren't any flights tomorrow.
It means that XYZ flights leave on weekdays, from
Monday to Friday. But the don't leave at the weekend,
on Saturday and Sunday.
Thank you very much. Now I understand.
Now, Madam... A holiday with XYZ...
I'll come back next week.
They ask questions, but they don't book holidays.

Let's go to the cinema tonight, darling.
There's a good film.
Look! It starts at seven o'clock.
That's in ten minutes.
We'll be late.
Let's go tomorrow then.
No. Let's go next week.
We're going on holiday next week.
All right. But let's stay at home tonight.

I'm sorry, darling.
I'll be home late tonight.
I'm in my office.
I'm working.
But I'll be home in two hours.
It's seven o'clock now.
I'll be home at nine o'clock.
No. I won't be home late tomorrow.
I'll be early.
I'll be back at four o'clock.
Will you be at home then?
Good! And the next day we'll be on holiday.
I'll be on holiday, too.

Railway station
We're getting the ten o'clock train to Gatwick Airport.
You're late, I'm afraid.
The train's gone.
When's the next train?
There's another one in ten minutes.
But we're going on holiday.
An XYZ holiday.
Then it doesn't matter.
Don't worry.
I don't understand.
The plane will be late.
It's always late.
It was late yesterday.
And last week it was late every day.


.book ==> reservar
.ask ==> preguntar
...and ask questions ==> y hace preguntas.
. away ==> lejos
.go away ==> marcharse, irse de vacaciones (literalmente ir lejos)
. weekdays ==> dias laborables
.get ==> llegar. (se puede utilizar el verbo get con el significado de llegar en lugar de arrive)
. mean ==> significar, querer decir.
.start ==> comenzar, empezar
.get ==> tomar, coger (referido a transporte)
(Substantivo) inquietud, preocupación;
(verbo intransitivo) inquietar, preocupar
(verbo transitivo) preocuparse
.don't worry ==> no se preocupen

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