JuanRamon: unit3 ...

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Esto es una version antigua de unit3 de 2006-07-25 23:18:49..

Ah! Excuse me.
Can you help me?
Yes. Yes, of course.
Can I help you?
Oh!, yes. Open the door, please.
Thank you.
Can I help you?
Yes, pleases.
Can you take this?
Yes, of course.
Thank you.
Four, three, two, one…
Just a moment, please.
After you.
No. After you.
Just a moment.
Please, come in.!
Come in!
Yes! Can I help you?
Please, take it. It’s for you. Look!
Oh! Thank you, Jane. Thank you.
Can I sit here?
Yes, of course. Please do.
Look! Shall I put it here.
Mm. No, Not there.
Here?. Shall I put it here?
No. Please don’t get up.
Yes. There.
Can I sit here?
Mmm. Yes.
Here, here.
There, there.
No entry.
You can’t go in there.
You can go in there.
You can go in there.
You can come out there.
He can’t go in there.
He can go in there.
Can I help your sir, madam?
Yes. Mr Williams.
And Mrs Williams.
Jus a moment, please.
Mr and Mrs Williams.
Yes, yes, of course.
Room 8
Cam I take you luggage.
Yes, please.
Will you take that?
No. Don’t take that.
Would you take this, please?
Would you follow me, please?
Come in.
Oh dear.
Can I help you, sir?
No, you can’t.

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