WikiJuanan: TomaElMando


Toma el mando y despide a los “ellos”

En algún momento del año 1996, desperte por primera vez. Me di cuenta de que

“yo” era el único responsable de mi mi vida, y si yo no promovía el cambio,

nadie lo haría por mi. Entonces fué cuando me di cuenta de que mis superiores

en el trabajo no se preocupaban realmente por mi carrera. Entonces fué cuando

me di cuenta de que nadie iba a venir a llamar a mi puerta para cambiar mi

vida. Fué entonces cuando caí en la cuenta de que la persona del responsable

de engrandecer mi vida era yo. Sólo yo. Y entonces fué cuando las cosas

empezaron a ir bien. En un mismo año, dejé mi cargo en una compañía de

telefonía, cambié a una compañía de inalámbricas y comencé una meteórica

carrera hacia donde estoy hoy. Todo con el sudor de mi frente.

Aquí tienes algunas ideas sobre las que pensar, si aún te preguntas

porqué nadie te ha dado tu trabajo ideal, la oportunidad de tu vida, o

cualquier otra excusa por la cual no eres la estrella en tu propio campo.

Take Responsibility and Fire THEY

Chris Brogan

Somewhere in 1996, I woke up for the first time. I realized that I was responsible for my life, and that if I didn’t drive change, no one else would. That’s when I realized that my supervisors at work didn’t really care about my career. That’s when I realized that no one was coming to knock on my door and change my life. It’s when I realized that the person responsible for bringing greatness to my life was me. Only me. And that’s when things started getting good. Within a year, I’d left my role at the phone company, moved into a wireless company, and started a rocket path up towards where I am today. All under my own steam.

Here are some things for YOU to think about, if you’re still wondering why no one’s handed you the dream career, the chance of a lifetime, or some other excuses for why you’re not the rockstar of your own domain.

You are Your HR Department

No one in your company cares about your career. They have a passing interest insofar as it hooks to their success, but otherwise, it’s not like someone’s really burning a lot of calories thinking about how to make you a star. Instead, YOU are the person in charge. To that end, start learning.

Redefine Yourself

If you work as a software developer, decide whether or not that’s your view of yourself. Nothing wrong with being a software developer, but if you’re sitting there longing for something more, redefine yourself, and then reinforce the path you want to take. Meaning, don’t let your skill set label yourself.


For every person out there taking charge of their lives, there are tons of people still saying “They didn’t let me take the course.” The truth is this: THEY doesn’t exist. They is an excuse we give ourselves when we’re feeling weak and unmotivated. Because THEY are the same people who don’t step up when there’s injustice in the world. THEY are the people who keep you working for the same company your entire life. Here are some ways to catch “THEY” and fire them.

What’s Holding You Back?

Did you see anything in this post that reflected your situation in life? Did you find little echoes of yourself, past or present, that relate to your questioning of your lot in life? If so, did I give you suggestions to move forward? If not, tell me now. Let’s get into what’s keeping you locked up, and let’s free you.

The easy truth of the matter is this: the more superheroes I surround myself with, the more likely I’ll have a rockstar life and do amazing things. I’m counting on the folks who come here to dig in to their own lives, find their groove, and rocket up into the stratosphere of your own new potential.

Are you on that ride? Have you seen enough to clear the launch pad at least? And if not, let’s talk about it. What’s holding you down?